onsdag 28. november 2012

Change in the Weather - Snow and Ice Policy for the University

"Following are some tips to help you stay warm as winter approaches.
Wrap up warm, make sure you keep your hands and feet warm, layer your clothes
Close your window, curtains or blind when you leave the room this will help to keep the heat in
Get warm before you go to bed by taking a warm shower and a having a hot drink
Buy a hot water bottle please make sure that you follow the guidelines of how to use it safely

We have been asked to make you aware of the Snow and Ice Policy for the university here is the link where this can be viewed http://www.lancs.ac.uk/facilities/services/it's under useful documents.
Because of our geographical location so close to the sea we tend not to get much snow, but please take a moment to view the information in the link to familiarise yourself with the dedicated safe route across campus at weekends during periods of snow or ice."

2 kommentarer:

Sola sa...

Hahahaha! gotta love GB! Min favoritt var dette med "please make sure that you follow the guidelines of how to use it safely" og dette råflotte tipset om at hvis man gikk ut av rommet var det lurt å lukke vinduet....

Love and greetings!

livilaiv sa...

I know!
Eg håper det blir snø og is i løpet av vinteren. Da skal eg ta med meg ein termokopp med kaffe eller te, finne meg ein benk ved ein bakke, og sette meg godt til rette og sjå på alle som sliter med å holde seg på beina :D